Teaching in times of Corona

Dear students, this is an update regarding all courses offered by our lab in summer semester 2020. We have been working hard on adapting all content to distance learning. We will offer all lectures taught by Prof. Unterlass as video courses. Furthermore, we offer all oral exams as online exams. Please see the teaching section on our webpage for more information. [Read more]

International Paris Air Show 2019

Alonso, Tobia, and Miriam presented our research on high-performance composites using hydrothermally synthesized fully crystalline polyimides as reinforcements at the International Paris Air Show (SIAE – salon international de l’aéronautique et de l’espace) in Paris – Le Bourget, France, as part of the TU Wien booth. We are commercializing these materials with our spin-off company UGP Materials. [Read more]