Prof. Unterlass teaches several classes at the University of Konstanz (UKON, Germany) and at the Centre for Molecular Medicine of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (CeMM, Austria). The Unterlass group organizes and teaches two laboratory courses in two different BSc curricula at UKON. Furthermore, we offer practical research work (BSc and MSc theses, research internships, exchange stays) in our labs. Our courses are part of the curricula: BSc Chemistry, BSc Nanoscience, MSc Chemistry, MSc Nanoscience, and MSc Life Sciences. All courses we teach are summarized below (including a link to each course at the UKON teaching platform ILIAS).
We care about communicating our knowledge and practical expertise to the next generation. We gladly cooperate in various aspects of teaching. If you are interested in doing an internship with us, getting access to the teaching materials we have developed, or cooperating on higher education topics, please feel free to contact us.
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Winter semester (WS):
- [Lecture] Solid state chemistry II. UKON; Obligatory BSc lecture; curricula Chemistry and Nanoscience, both 5th 2 hours/week. Lecturer: Prof. M. Unterlass. WS 2022|23: Tuesdays 10.00-12.00.
- [Lecture] Inorganic Materials and Nanotechnology. UKON; Obligatory BSc lecture; curriculum Nanoscience, 5th 3 hours/week. Lecturer: Prof. M. Unterlass. WS 2022|23: Thursdays 10.00-13.00.
- [Lecture] Advanced Element-Organic Chemistry. UKON; Elective MSc lecture; curricula Chemistry,Nanoscience, and Life Sciences); 4 hours/week. Lecturers: Prof. R. Winter (50%) and Prof. M. Unterlass (50%); WS 2022|23: Thursdays 15.00-18.30.
- [Exercise class] Solid State Chemistry II. UKON; Obligatory BSc class; curricula Chemistry and Nanoscience, both 5th 2 hours/week. Lecturers: Prof. M. Unterlass (50%) and coworkers (50%); WS 2022|23: Wednesdays 8.00-10.00.
- [Lab course] Solid State Chemistry Lab Course. UKON; Obligatory BSc lab course; curriculum Chemistry, 5th Total time commitment for students: 160 h. Lecturers: Unterlass Lab coworkers (100%); WS 2022|23: Oct 24th-December 12th; daily 12.00-18.00.
- [Lab course] Inorganic Materials and Nanotechnology Lab Course. UKON; Obligatory BSc lab course; curriculum Nanoscience, 5th Total time commitment for students: 160 h. Lecturers: Unterlass Lab coworkers (100%); WS 2022|23: Oct 24th-December 12th; daily 12.00-18.00.
- [Block course] Scientific Graphic Design. CeMM; Obligatory course within the PhD curriculum Molecular Technologies and Systems Medicine. 2 days fulltime. Lecturer: Prof. Unterlass.
- [Block course] Presenting your science. CeMM; Obligatory course within the PhD curriculum Molecular Technologies and Systems Medicine. 1 days fulltime. Lecturer: Prof. Unterlass.
- [Block course] Presenting your science. UKON; Elective course within the graduate school Konstanz Research School Chemical Biology (KoRS-CB). 2 days fulltime. Lecturer: Prof. Unterlass.
- [Seminar] Color in the Life Sciences. CeMM; Obligatory seminar within the PhD curriculum Molecular Technologies and Systems Medicine. 4 hours in total. Lecturer: Prof. Unterlass.
- [Seminar] Corporate Design and Corporate Identity. CeMM; Obligatory seminar within the PhD curriculum Molecular Technologies and Systems Medicine. 2 hours in total. Lecturer: Prof. Unterlass.
Summer semester:
- [Lecture] Solid state chemistry I. UKON; Obligatory BSc lecture; curricula Chemistry and Nanoscience, both 4th 2 hours/week. Lecturer: Prof. M. Unterlass. Summer 2023: Wednesday 10.00-12.00.
- [Lecture] Advanced Solid State Chemistry. UKON; Elective MSc lecture; curricula Chemistry,Nanoscience, and Life Sciences); 4 hours/week. Lecturer: Prof. Unterlass. Summer 2023: Tuesdays 15.00-18.30.
- [Exercise class] Solid State Chemistry I. UKON; Obligatory BSc class; curricula Chemistry and Nanoscience, both 4th 2 hours/week. Lecturers: Unterlass Lab coworkers. Summer 2022|23: Fridays 8.00-10.00.
- [block course] Scientific Graphic Design. UKON; Elective course within the graduate school Konstanz Research School Chemical Biology (KoRS-CB). 2 days fulltime. Lecturer: Prof. Unterlass.
- [Lecture] Inorganic Chemistry I (Grundvorlesung Anorganische Chemie I) TU Vienna; obligatory lecture, 1st semester of the curriculum Technical Chemistry. Prof. Unterlass taught this lecture, which supported by experiments carried out by a technician (Experimentalvorlesung), as sole lecturer, in WS 2015|2016 (300 students); WS 2015|2016 (260 students).
- [Lecture] Inorganic Materials Chemistry. Obligatory course in the MSc curriculum Chemistry and Technology of Materials (joint between TU Vienna and University of Vienna) and elective course in the MSc curriculum Technical Chemistry at TU Vienna. 2h/week (3 ECTS). Prof. Unterlass taught this lecture as sole lecturer 7 times WS 2021|2020 (35 students), WS 2019|2020 (40 students); WS 2018|2019 (45 students); WS 2017|2018 (45 students); WS 2016|2017 (30 students); WS 2015|2016 (30 students); WS 2013|2014 (35 students).
- [Lecture] Advanced Inorganic Materials Synthesis. Obligatory course in the MSc curriculum Chemistry and Technology of Materials (joint between TU Vienna and University of Vienna). 1h/week (1.5 ECTS). Prof. Unterlass taught this lecture as sole lecturer 7 times (MSc level lecture, 4.5 ECTS): WS 2020|2021 (5 students); WS 2019|2020 (10 students); WS 2018|2019 (10 students); WS 2017|2018 (5 students); WS 2016|2017 (5 students); WS 2015|2016 (10 students); WS 2013|2014 (5 students).
- [Lecture] Chemistry of Nanomaterials. Obligatory course in the MSc curriculum Chemistry and Technology of Materials (joint between TU Vienna and University of Vienna). 2h/week (3 ECTS). Prof. Unterlass taught this lecture six times, of which twice as sole lecturer and four times as co-lecturer (50 %): Summer 2015 (25 students); Summer 2016 (25 students); Summer 2020 (25 students), summer 2019 (25 students), summer 2018 (30 students), summer 2017 (20 students).
- [Lecture] Special Synthetic Polymer Chemistry. Elective course within the MSc curricula Technical Chemistry at TU Vienna and Chemistry and Technology of Materials (joint between TU Vienna and University of Vienna). 2h/week (3 ECTS). Prof. Unterlass taught this course 6 times as co-lecturer (50 %): WS 2021|2020 (15 students) WS 2019|2020 (20 students); WS 2018|2019 (20 students); WS 2017|2018 (10 students); WS 2016|2017 (5 students); WS 2015|2016 (5 students).
- [Lecture] Literature Search for Chemists. Elective lecture within the BSc curriculum Technical Chemistry at TU Vienna. 2h/week (3 ECTS).
Prof. Unterlass taught this course as co-lecturer (25%) three times: Summer 2020 (15 students), summer 2019 (10 students), and SoSe 2018 (10 students).
- [Seminar] Current Topics in Materials Chemistry. Seminar series with scientific presentations and subsequent discussions within the MSc curriculum Chemistry and Technology of Materials. 2h/week. Prof. Unterlass was responsible for this course as organizer 7 times: WS 2020|2021 (35 students), WS 2019|2020 (30 students). WS 2018|2019 (45 students); WS 2017|2018 (20 students); WS 2016|2017 (20 students); WS 2015|2016 (15 students); WS 2015|2016 (10 students).
- [Lab courses] Contributions to several lab courses: (i) Materials Synthesis Lab Course: Obligatory MSc level lab course within the curriculum Chemistry and Technology of Materials (joint between TU Vienna and University of Vienna), 5 ECTS; (ii) Synthesis Lab Course: Obligatory lab course within the curriculum Technical Chemistry at TU Vienna, 4th semester, 15 ECTS; (iii) General Chemistry Introductory Lab Course: Obligatory lab course within the curriculum Technical Chemistry at TU Vienna, 1st semester, 4 ECTS.