November 19, 2017

Outreach & Press Coverage

We are very committed in communicating with the public interested in science. Therefore, we regularly participate in different public outreach events, and are very active in printed media as well.
We also propose internships for high-school students, to give adolescents the opportunity to get a glimpse of what scientists actually do in research labs nowadays.
If you are interested in an internship or would like to know more about our research: high-performance polymers, plastics, etc., please contact Miriam.

Public Outreach


27) Participation in the exhibition “Redesigning the Kometor Peuerbach”, Ars Electronica 2023, Linz, Austria. September 6th – 10th, 2023


26) Participation in three-day seminar “Green Chemistry” for scholars of the Austrian Study Foundation; September 14th – 16th, Traunkirchen, AT

25) Evening lecture “Green Chemistry – Sustainable Solutions for the Future” for the general public in attendance; International Academy Traunkirchen, September 15th, 2022, Traunkirchen, AT 

24) Public exhibition “Generating knowledge through failure” on the topic of the current chemical research in the context of knowledge acquisition, sustainability, and failure; Spiegelhalle Konstanz, June 23rd, 2022  Konstanz, DE

23) Lecture at the Symposium of the Zukunftskolleg at University of Konstanz for participants of the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting 2022, June 23rd, 2022 Konstanz, DE


22) Participation in the TV show “7th Vienna Ball of Sciences Corona Edition ft. Science Busters”, broadcast on February 5th, 2021, Channel: Wien24


21) FIT Infotage 2020 – Frauen in die Technik – Information Workshop, Discussion partner of female high school students (ca. 15 years old), Vienna, Austria. February 27th – 29th, 2020


20) Polgar Gymnasium 22 excursion to our laboratory facilitiesHigh school students attended a lecture held by Miriam and were able to see our current work on high performance materials in our lab, Vienna, Austria. October 7th, 2019

19) Podcast “Makro Mikro” (Podcast series of the Austrian Academy of Sciences). Discussion with the archeologist Prof. Julia Budka (LMU Munich) on the topic “Fucked-up science”

18) Radio interview with radio NJOY in the programme “Start me up” about Austrian start-up companies, aired on November 5th, 2018

17) Wiener Vorlesung (Social lecture series of the city of Vienna) on the topic “What is curiosity?” (“Was ist Neugierde”). Panel discussion with Prof. Dr. Helga Nowotny, Prof. Dr. Michael Eichmair, Dr. Elisabeth Oberzaucher and Dr. Martin Bernhofer, Vienna, Austria, October 22nd, 2018

16) Materials Innovation Day 2018. Public outreach event at TU Wien, where Miriam held a talk entitled “Polyimidherstellung und – verarbeitung” (Polyimide synthesis and processing), Vienna, Austria, September 19th, 2018

15) BE OPEN – Science & Society Festival
Science festival on the occasion of the 50th birthday of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF). Participation in the event “Science-Slam&FuckUp Night: Fail, learn, retry!”, Vienna, Austria. September 8th, 2018. [Winner 1st place at the science slam based on public vote]

14) Wiener Forschungsfest 2018 (“Viennese Science Festival 2018”)
Booth on the topic “The wonderful world of colors” (Wundervolle Welt der Farbe”) – [Exhibition proposal was granted and our booth was fully funded by the Vienna Business Agency (Wirtschaftsagentur Wien)], Vienna, Austria. September 14th – 16th, 2018


13) Forschung bewegt 2018
Topic: Materials and Matter (Annual public outreach event at TU Wien). We hosted several tours of our laboratories, Vienna, Austria. June 4th, 2018

12) TEDx talk at TEDxTUWien
“Plastics revolution: Under pressure – how to create materials inspired by nature”. May 5th, 2018

11) Long night of research 2018 (“Lange Nacht der Forschung 2018”)
Booth on the topic “What is color?” (“Was ist Farbe?”), Vienna, Austria. April 13th, 2018

10) FIT Infotage 2018 – Frauen in die Technik – Information Workshop
Discussion partner of female high school students (ca. 15 years old), Vienna, Austria. January 30th, 2018

9) Ambassador of the Vienna Ball of Sciences, Vienna, Austria. January 27th, 2018


8) Suche nach der Wahrheit by Fabian Dembriski
Light and sound installation on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the library of the TU Wien. A SEM image taken by Miriam Unterlass and the text “Kristallmorphologie – Sphärolith” were part of the installation, Vienna, Austria. November 13th – December 12th, 2017

7) “Alles ist (auch) Chemie” (“Everything is chemistry (too)”) – 22nd TU Forum of the TU Wien.
Participant in the panel discussion, Vienna, Austria. May 4th, 2017

6) FIT Infotage 2017 – Frauen in die Technik – Information Workshop
Discussion partner of female high school students (ca. 15 years old), Vienna, Austria. January 31st, 2017


5) Radio Interview – NJOY –  in the programme “Wissenschaftsradio”, December 13th, 2016

4) Was ist Wissenstransfer?” (“What is knowledge transfer?”)
Participation in the Video organized by the Wissens- und Technologietransferzentrum Ost (WTZ Ost). September 15th, 2016

3) Long night of research 2016 (“Lange Nacht der Forschung 2016”)
Booth on the topic “Chemie unter extremen Bedingungen” (“Chemistry under extreme conditions”), Vienna, Austria, April 22nd, 2016

2) Participation in the YO!TECH Science and technology fair
A fair aiming at attracting high school students to a career in science and technology by the Austrian Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology (BMVIT), Vienna, Austria, January 27th, 2016


1) Radio Interview – Ö1 Radio  in the programme “Salzburger Nachtstudio”, January 28th, 2015

Press Coverage


34) Press release in the News section of the University of Konstanz, July 3th, 2024


33) Press release in the News section of the University of Konstanz, June 13th, 2022


32) Newspaper article in Kurier, section Wissen, September 7th, 2021

31) Newspaper interview  in Der Standard, section Lifestyle, Kolumne: “Das beste Stück”, July 8th, 2021

30) Newspaper article in Wiener Zeitung, section Wissen: Forschung, May 5th, 2021

29) Magazine interview in LEICHT!, section “Porträts zum Schwerpunkt Innovation” (“portraits with a focus on innovation”) on pages 14-15. May, 2021


28) Newspaper article in Futurezone – Technology News: “Grüne Verpackung aus Stärke statt Plastik”. May 4th, 2020

27) Newspaper articles on our publication “Hydrothermal Generation of Conjugated Polymers on the Example of Pyrrone Polymers and Polybenzimidazoles” published in Angewandte Chemie International Edition, April 2020. For a list of articles see here: and here


26) Video on our START project “The hydrothermal route to functional organic frameworks” published by the Austrian Science Fund, “The plastics revolution”. July 3rd, 2019

25) Newspaper article in Die Presse: “Wasser, Druck und Wärme statt giftiger Chemie”. May 23rd, 2019

24) Advertisement for women in STEM in the Austrian lifestyle magazine Miss: “Es heisst die Technik”. April 11th, 2019

23) Article in the FWF (Austrian Science Fund) SciLog: “Hochleistungsmaterialien aus dem Druckkochtopf”. April 19th, 2018

22) Article in the Junge Akademie Blog at Der Standard: “Chemie in heißem Wasser”. February 6th, 2019

21) Newspaper article in Wiener Bezirkszeitung: “Kohlen- und Stickstoff statt Gold und Platin”. January 23rd, 2019


20) Magazine interview in Chemiereport: “Die Welt ein wenig nachhaltiger machen” on pages 22-23. November 14th, 2018

19) Press release by CeMM – Research Center for Molecular Medicine of the Austrian Academy of Sciences on the occasion of hiring 5 Adjunct PIs: “Welcome to new CeMM and LBI-RUD Adjunct PIs”. November 6th, 2018

18) Press release by the US Department’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs on the 2018 IVLP program “Hidden no more”, “Hidden no more: Here’s how the State Department is Empowering International Women Leaders in STEM”. October 29th, 2018

17) Newspaper interview in Kurier: “Fühle mich geschätzt”. August 25th, 2018

16) Magazine article in The Chemical Engineer: “Green high-tech dye synthesis”. August 21st, 2018

15) Interview within the Austrian Academy of Sciences Summer Series: “Materialforschung ohne Gift”. July 9th, 2018

14) Press release by the Rudolf Salinger Fonds on the occasion of the S&B award 2018: “Das sind die Gewinner des S&B-Awards und der Future Founders Challenge 2018”. April 24th, 2018

13) Press release of the Austrian Academy of Sciences regarding the newly elected members for 2018: “ÖAW wählte 29 neue Mitglieder”. April 24th, 2018

12) Magazine article in Maschinenmarkt on the presentation of our hydrothermally synthesised polyamide particles at the Hannover Messe 2018: “Blumige Premierepartikel”. March 23rd, 2018

11) Interview in TU Wien’s staff magazine TU:freihaus. February 8th, 2018


10) Article in TU Austria Forum: “Phönix-Preis für Miriam Unterlass”. November 30th, 2017

9) Newspaper article in Der Falter – Heureka: “Grünes Material”. November 15th, 2017

8) Newspaper article in Der Standard: “Komplexe Strukturen aus Spaghetti”. October 22nd, 2017

7) Newspaper article in Die Presse: “Sie kocht doch nur mit Wasser”. September 16th, 2017

6) Newspaper comment in Der Standard: “Ungiftige Farben aus dem Druckkochtopf”. February 4th, 2017


5) Magazine article in “Forschen & Entdecken”. September 7th, 2015

4) Magazine feature in the column “Grosse Fragen” (“Big questions” asked by children) NEWS. May 16th, 2015

3) Magazine interview in 2030 – Das Zukunftsmagazine. March 27th, 2015


2) Newspaper article in Der Standard: “Der Kunststofftrick mit dem Druckkochtopf”. May 7th, 2024

1) Magazine article in profil wissen: “Labortechnik von eBay”. December 3rd, 2014