Tobias defends his MSc Thesis
Tobias defends his master’s thesis „Synthesis of sterically hindered organic fluorophores”. The team congratulates him on this achievement and wishes him every success in his future endeavors.
Tobias defends his master’s thesis „Synthesis of sterically hindered organic fluorophores”. The team congratulates him on this achievement and wishes him every success in his future endeavors.
We are happy to share: our publication “High-temperature water unlocks urea as nitrogen-sourcetowards imidazoles” was selected as front cover of the 25 year anniversary of Green Chemistry 2024, 26! Congratulations to all authors for the great work! [Read more]
As of 1 October, Miriam takes over as the director of the Fraunhofer Institute for Silicate Research ISC in Würzburg. She also joins the University of Würzburg, where she will hold the Chair for Chemical Technology of Materials Synthesis. Fraunhofer ISC is one of Europe’s leading centres for materials-based research and development in the fields of energy, environment and health. [Read more]
We are excited to share: our publication “Hydrothermal Synthesis of Metal Nanoparticles@Hydrogels and Statistical Evaluation of Reaction Conditions’ Effects on Nanoparticle Morphologies” was selected as front cover of Nanoscale! [Read more]
Lena successfully defended her master’s thesis “Development of Sequential One-Pot Hydrothermal Synthesis”. The team congratulates her on this achievement and wishes her every success in her future endeavors [Read more]
Our publication “High-temperature water unlocks urea as Nitrogen-source towards imidazoles” was published in Green Chemistry 2024, 26. We dive into the synthesis of small heteroaromatic compounds in hot water and show that the urea aquathermolysis can propel the Debus-Radziszewski multicomponent reaction of lophines. [Read more]
Miriam gave a one-day workshop entitled “Scientific storytelling & graphic design” in the Summer School for PhD students in Immunology. This event was organized by the Austrian Society for Allergology and Immunology (ÖGAI – Österreichische Gesellschaft für Allergologie und Immunologie) and took place in Vienna, Austria. [Read more]
Alonso showcased his research at Polycondensation 2024 conference in Lyon, France. He presented his poster “A novel approach towards waterbone polyimides”, where he drew attention to innovative ways to synthesize high-performance polyimides and process them from water. Congratulations to Alonso for your contribution! [Read more]
Musthafa successfully defended his doctoral thesis “Hydrothermal Synthesis as Green Route towards Amide- and Imidazole-based Organic Materials”. The entire team extends their heartfelt congratulations on this significant achievement and wishes him continued success in the future. [Read more]
At the “SALSA Make and Measure 2024” conference, Miriam gave a plenary lecture titled “Interfacing and Exchanging Features Typical for Inorganic and Organic Solids”. Miriam addressed the intersection of materials chemistry with other scientific disciplines, emphasizing the role of interfaces in connecting physical and chemical fields to broader aspects of life; cross-disciplinary connections that drive innovation and discovery. [Read more]