
Sustainable Advanced Materials

Welcome back Hannah, Bastian and Frederic!

We are thrilled to announce the comeback of three former group members: Hannah Mehringer, Bastian Jehle and Frederic Hallmann. Hannah will perform her MSc thesis in the field of automation of hydrothermal synthesis, Bastian will perform his MSc thesis on bio-inspired inorganic-organic hybrid materials, and Frederic will work on the synthesis of sulfur-containing materials for his PhD thesis. [Read more]

Frank participates in ICCC 2024 at Fort Collins, CO, USA

Frank presented his research work entitled “The role of metal-oxo clusters in the controlled synthesis of pigment@metal oxide hybrid materials” at the 45th International Conference on Coordination Chemistry at Fort Collins. In his poster, Frank discusses the characteristics of stable metal-oxo intermediates generated by the reaction of aromatic carboxylic acids and vanadium alkoxides under solvothermal conditions, and their uses as precursors for hybrid material synthesis. [Read more]

Plenary talk at the networking meeting of the German and the Austrian Academic Scholarship Foundation

Miriam gave the plenary talk at this year’s Summer Networking Meeting of the  the German and the Austrian Academic Scholarship Foundation (in German: Sommer Vernetzungstreffen der Österreichischen Studienstiftung mit der Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes) organized by the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW). In her talk, entitled “Breaking Boundaries – Water as Near-Universal Solvent for Chemical Production” (In German: “Grenzen auflösen – Wasser als nahezu universelles Lösungsmittel für die chemische Produktion”), Miriam shared her views on profiting of water’s properties as reaction medium in the  chemical discovery of new materials. [Read more]

New publication in Nanoscale

Our latest publication entitled “Hydrothermal Synthesis of Metal Nanoparticles@Hydrogels and Statistical Evaluation of Reaction Conditions’ Effects on Nanoparticle Morphologies”, was recently accepted in Nanoscale. In this work, we  report the synthesis  of monoliths of hydrogels decorated with noble metal nanoparticles using only water, a polysaccharide, and a metal salt precursor. [Read more]

Paper accepted in Inorganic Chemistry

Our joint work with the research group of Professor Rainer Winter entitled “Dual Fluorescence and Phosphorescence Emissions From Dye-Modified (NCN)-Bismuth Pincer Thiolate Complexes” was published in the journal Inorganic Chemistry. In this project we describe the synthesis, characterization and photophysical properties of four new dye-modified (NCN)Bi pincer complexes with two mercaptocoimarin or mercaptopyrene ligands. [Read more]

Jessica participates at Gordon conference

Jessica was selected to present her work at the Gordon Research Seminar and Conference on Colloidal Semiconductor Nanocrystals, which took place in Les Diablerets, Switzerland. In her poster entitled “Synthesis strategies of colloidal metal semiconductor nanocrystal heterostructures with defined anisotropy and composition”, Jessica presented the results of her PhD project. Congratulations Jessica! [Read more]